
English for Tourism and Hospitality 附MP3 CD-1片網友推薦

English for Tourism and Hospitality 附MP3 CD-1片網友推薦真的不錯人氣蠻不錯看完後有一種說不出的感動

我覺得品質優良性能卓越、物超所值拉,昨天我男友幫我下訂單之後… ,給小雅看她也說這售價真的蠻合理的。

推薦大家一本語言學習English for Tourism and Hospitality 附MP3 CD-1片網友推薦全書的內容大意

體驗分享 English for Tourism and Hospitality 附MP3 CD-1片網友推薦曾在博客來網路書店造成搶購熱潮。




English for Tourism and Hospitality 附MP3 CD-1片網友推薦 好書推薦 博客來網路書店歡迎您


English for Tourism and Hospitality 附MP3 CD-1片網友推薦 開箱文 博客來網路書店

內容簡介: English for Tourism and Hospitality contains a variety of exercises that aim to prepare students for effective communication. The book encompasses 16 authentic topics and reading passages regarding English for tourism and hospitality.

?The authentic conversations are aimed to build your confidence as you increase your ability to understand realistic English and to express yourself clearly and effectively in your future career.博客來書店

?The listening comprehension section provides opportunities for you to improve your listening skills and to assist you in passing the TOEIC and GEPT tests.
?The key words, phrases, and sentences should help you express personal ideas, opinions and experience in meaningful contexts.

?The focus on grammar section presents basic and practical sentence patterns that will assist you in speaking naturally and in being better understood by others in the real world.

?The pair work section is presented so that you will have more practice in realistic settings.
?The reading section provides tourism and hospitality related topics aimed to equip you with foundational knowledge needed in the field.

博客來?The reading comprehension questions will help you in passing the TOEIC and GEPT tests.

English for Tourism and Hospitality 附MP3 CD-1片網友推薦 好書推薦 博客來網路書店

  • 出版社:東華    新功能介紹
  • 出版日期:2014/05/14
  • 語言:英文

English for Tourism and Hospitality 附MP3 CD-1片網友推薦 評比 博客來網路書局

English for Tourism and Hospitality 附MP3 CD-1片網友推薦

English for Tourism and Hospitality 附MP3 CD-1片網友推薦推薦,English for Tourism and Hospitality 附MP3 CD-1片網友推薦討論English for Tourism and Hospitality 附MP3 CD-1片網友推薦比較評比,English for Tourism and Hospitality 附MP3 CD-1片網友推薦開箱文,English for Tourism and Hospitality 附MP3 CD-1片網友推薦部落客
English for Tourism and Hospitality 附MP3 CD-1片網友推薦
那裡買,English for Tourism and Hospitality 附MP3 CD-1片網友推薦價格,English for Tourism and Hospitality 附MP3 CD-1片網友推薦特賣會,English for Tourism and Hospitality 附MP3 CD-1片網友推薦評比,English for Tourism and Hospitality 附MP3 CD-1片網友推薦部落客 推薦



























English for Tourism and Hospitality 附MP3 CD-1片網友推薦


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